Monday, June 6, 2011

something to think about...

For somewhere between the cost of Postal Service and Public Education we could get a National Public Health Care System.

Think about it; for the price of a couple first class stamps per day, per person, we could fund Primary Health Care for everyone--- completely free. For the cost of about six first class postage stamps per day, per person, we could fund a complete National Public Health Care System from pre-natal to burial, comprehensive and all inclusive.

The only thing standing in our way is a bunch of greedy Wall Street coupon clipping vultures and the government they manipulate and control.

Funding and financing is simple--- we tell the generals and the merchants of death and destruction, the same Wall Street crowd, to go fund their dirty wars by selling seeds and candy bars from door-to-door and with millage elections so we can fund health care. If we don't have quite enough we can tax the rich and/or institute a pay-roll tax just like we fund Social Security only make the corporations pay a little more.

Something to think about.